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, by Kathryn Alice

Free Ebook , by Kathryn Alice
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Product details
File Size: 1120 KB
Print Length: 36 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Alice Tompkins Company; 1 edition (December 6, 2012)
Publication Date: December 6, 2012
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#270,185 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Ok, so I bought this book after rehashing old, painful memories of a past relationship. I was feeling lonely and wanted to meet someone new who would be good to me, was genuine with his intentions, know how it goes. So, I downloaded this book to my kindle, read it the same day, did exactly what she said in the book about being specific and writing a list of what you want, and I did all the other exercises she tells you to do in the book. *POOF!* the SAME DAY a guy who fit the criteria exactly appeared in my life, I am so NOT kidding. I didn't even pay much attention to him at first, because I was still hung up on my ex. Well, this new guy and I have been talking and going out for about two weeks now, and I started to think "Wow, this guy is actually pretty cool" the past few days but I didn't want to get too excited, because you know how men can be...they love you one day, ignore you the next, lol.So anyway, last night, I was going through my things and I came across the list I wrote when I first bought the book. HOLY CRAP, the guy I met that day is everything on that list! I wrote 25+ specific "things" I wanted in a man. I didn't even realize he fit my criteria until I came across my list again! Some of the things I wrote: I wanted a dark, super smart, muscular man with all his hair, a good paying job, a playful personality and no kids or ex wives, as well as other specific personality traits like honesty, loyalty, etc..and that's exactly what I got.Time will tell if he is my soulmate or not, but hey, I'm happy for now. The fact that this guy appeared out the blue and is really interested in me and fit EVERYTHING on my list was worth the price of the book! Buy it!
This text is basically a transcript of the CD of the same name. How do I know? Because I know the CD by heart.I have owned the CD for several years now. I played it every night for months on end (excellent to fall asleep, it works even if you're not awake). It gave me hope in times of desperation, it comforted me during break ups and sustained me until I found my own soulmate.For me it took a few years and I believe the information in this book had a big role in me finding my husband.Some key concepts I like about Kathryn Alice's work, contained here, are:* Don't cry soulmte too early. Wait until you are engaged or making a life commitment* Make a list of what you have to offer, not just what your partner can offer to you* How to release your love blocks. This is huge. It took me several releases. Btw, I didn't even know I had so much to release, I thought I was "ready"* There are detailed instructions on how to make a soul call (how to call your soulmate on the inner to come to you). This is worth the price of the book or the CD if you prefer to get thatHer idea is that by raising your vbration, you become a magnet to love. It worked for me!
This review is for the audio version. I love the insights and recommendations shared on this audio (& in all her work) ESPECIALLY the two guided meditations, long & short versions. I have been a student of Kathryn & Love Will Find You work for some years now and my favorite part are the guided meditations she leads a person through, along with her soul call. And her husband singing Manifesting Love, that song is one of the songs I "play" in the background of my mind & on my Ipod, keeping me in a state of positive expectation.I had a lot of releasing of my silly limited thinking & barriers to love that I successfully accomplished through working with Kathryn's books, audios, teleseminars & workshops.Listening to her meditation before sleep really shifts one's perspective and elevates your feeling/ vibrations. I've experienced several big shifts & upleveling as a result of studying and applying what Kathryn teaches.
I have kissed many a frogs and I was at my wits end with dating and failed relationships when I ran across this cd and decided to give it a try. A few weeks later I dialed the wrong number and ended up having a conversation with a single doctor in a nearby city. We hit it off almost instantly, exchanged pictures and are incredibly attracted to eachtother and haven't even met yet. He is coming to meet me on April 24th and I can hardly wait. Neither one of us have ever felt this kind of attraction before. If this isn't my soulmate, nothing is but I really think my love has arrived!!!
I followed her instructions, made the changes inside myself, made the space for him to show up, and true love walked in! Kathryn's way of sharing about emotional things is inspiring and super supportive. When I was in despair during the process I would rely on her confidence and surety that it will work for me. And it did!If you are ready to have true love come into your life, Kathryn can guide you to make it happen. It is a self inquiry and shifts within yourself that make it happen, like you may have heard over and over again. Kathryn gives you a process to access the change with lightning speed.
I have the recording. I bought it from Kathryn Alice's website for play on my MP3 player. I've gotten so much out of this and my "vibration" has improved so much so that now i feel I'm much closer to my soulmate than I was before I started her work. I am one of her "hard cases" as I was in a lot of pain when I started working with her material. It has helped me so much to get past that hurt and to be willing to try again. More importantly, I don't settle for less anymore.Btw, her soul calls really work!!Her book "Love Will Find You" is great but this recording is a great companion piece to the book and IMO it's best to get the book and the recording together.
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